Accomplishment NothingFor those drivers who work so hard to accomplish nothing. Why be patient when you can be a #BadDriver instead?1 video Coloring Outside the LinesThose drivers who just have to cross solid lines!31 videos Jerk ExitsThe more people they can cut off, the more lanes they can cross at the last moment the better!9 videos Look OutFor those Bad Drivers you really have to Look Out for.2 videos NearsightedThose drivers who just can't see more than 3 feet in front of them!2 videos Passive AggressiveThose drivers who pass aggressively!7 videos Red Light RunnersThose drivers who love to run red lights!6 videos Spoiler Alert1 image6 videos Stop ItJust stop it!2 videos VideosThings the dash cam saw!27 videos PhotosPhotos256 images Yep NopeThose drivers who Yep it then immediately Nope it.5 videos Zoo6 videos